
Big Sky would be the best Guitar Hero song evar!!1

Without a doubt, Reverend Horton Heat‘s “Big Sky” would be the absolutely most fret-burningest, string snappingest, finger shreddingest song were it ever to come to the Guitar Hero franchise.

I get dizzy imagining the hammer-ons, pull-offs and wrist-cramping strumming needed just to keep up with this frenetic, massive Rockabilly tune. If you don’t believe me, give it a listen at the iTunes Store.

Or, just see for yourself. Conquering this on Export Expert mode would be like jumping up and slapping the face of God.


Harder, Better, Faster Guitar Hero

I have a lot of friends who are into Guitar Hero, and several friends who are into Daft Punk, but in their Venn diagram, there’s no overlap between friends who are into GH and those who are into DP. Woe is me, for I have no one with which to share this clip of Daft Punk on Guitar Hero awesomeness:

Yes, err… remember that part in “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” with all the killer guitar riffs?